Expand your Membership Benefits >> with the great opportunities and benefits that volunteering can bring!

Expand Your Network

Collaborate with professionals, establish connections with other organizations and connect with other changemakers.

Feel Free to Express Yourself

In PMI Croatia we're encouraging diversity in every form. Express your ideas, views and knowledge with the community!

Develop Your Career

It's not unusual for our volunteers to get professional opportunities. Hone your skills, meet new people and upgrade your career to another level.

Contribute to the Community

Spending time giving back to the community is a great way to give your time and knowledge to the world. By surrounding yourself with people who are dedicated to making the world a better place, you can learn as much as you can give to others. Serving people around you gives a unique sense of purpose and always reflects back!

Find your Team

Volunteering is the best way to achieve the strategic growth goals of the PMI chapter and implement the PMI 4.0 strategy. It enables benefits for all three involved parties: volunteers, PMI organization and local and wider social community.